
Dott. Gino Verrocchi | Executive Manager

Previous experiences as marketing manager in an ICT company and General Manager in a consulting firm, now he acquired more than fifteen year of experience in EU funded Project Design and Management on behalf of several Regional and Local Public Bodies, Development Agencies and Education Bodies in Abruzzo, Puglia, Marches and Umbria Regions, 
In these years he covered the role of Project Manager/Coordinator of eight National and EU funded projects, among which, Interreg IIIB, SEE Programme, Interreg IVC and IPA Adriatic CBC projects mainly in environmental risks, RES, digital divide and cultural tourism.

Executive Advisor
Nome aziendaStudio Vega - EU Funded Project design and management

  • Design, preparation and implementation of EU Funded projects in Innovation, Envinronment, Man Made and Natural Risks, Renewable Energy, Cultural and Sustainable Tourism.
  • Partnership creation and submission of Projects to European Territorial Cooperation Programmes' Calls.
  • Designed, Developed, Awarded and Implemented EU Funded Projects:
    - ARCHIMED Programme (2000 - 2006):
  • WDCNET - digital divide project,
    - Interreg IV C (2007 2013):
  • PRoMPT - Forest Fire risks,
    - South East Programme (2007-2013):
  • WIDETHESEE - Solar Renewable Energy project,
  • RECULTIVATUR - Cultural Religious Tourism project.
  • BRIGITTE - Digital Divide (approved not funded)
    - IPA Adriatic CBC programme (2007 2013):
  • HOLISTIC - Adriatic Environmental risks project
  • HERA - Adriatic Cultural Tourism project.
    - Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian (ADRION) Programme (2014 - 2020):
  • InnoXenia - Innovation for sustainable tourism
    - Interreg Italy -Croatia Programme (2014 - 2020)
  • READINESS - Resilience against Seismic and Wildfire risks
    -Interreg Mediterranean Programme (2014 - 2020)
  • ESMARTCITY - Enabling Smarter City in the MED Area through Networking
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